Platform Benchmark Utility - EcoSys - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EcoSys Performance Tuning

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Administration & Configuration
EcoSys Version

Why Use the Platform Benchmark Utility?

The purpose of this utility is to measure the capacity of the infrastructure running EcoSys objectively, independent of the application or data. You can use the benchmark output to compare different servers and objectively rank them according to performance. The utility is useful in sizing and troubleshooting and can be run in the situations.

  • To gauge the server capacity before you deploy EcoSys.

  • To compare the performance between an existing server and another system.

  • To identify performance impacts in the infrastructure outside of the application when there are questions about the actual computing capacity available to the system.

How to Run the benchmarks

Refer to the EcoSys Platform Benchmarks Guide for instructions on how to run the benchmarks.