Capture user scenario
Is there a single action, report, spreadsheet that is running slow? Is the issue reproducible? If yes, provide the information below:
Environment configuration (server info, Java heap size, etc.). For more information, see Command Line Batch Jobs.
User/password for the EcoSys user
Name of the report, spreadsheet, or action, and where to locate it on the menu
All runtime parameter values
Server metrics (clear query cache before running the report/ss)
Copy Browser and Server metrics to Excel
Capturing detailed tracing
Send logs using the following steps to capture detailed tracing for the user activity in question:
Clear query cache (System Info > Cache).
In System Admin > Application Settings, turn on METHOD, QUERY and QUERYPARAM tracing settings.
Hold down the CTRL key, and double-click the System Information icon in the upper right-hand corner. Enter a LOGMARKER to indicate the beginning of the test. Make a specific mark, such as 11/24 Perf Test START.
Run the report, spreadsheet, or action. Check with the Development team prior to determine amount of time to write to the log. Five minutes of a lengthy action with appropriate tracing on may be sufficient.
Hold down the CTRL key, and double-click the System Information icon in the upper right-hand corner. Enter a LOGMARKER to indicate the completion of your test. Make a specific mark, such as 11/24 Perf Test END.
Use System Admin > Display Log > Download Logs to retrieve the application logs for the period covering the test. The EcoSys Support team is able to analyze the logs and assist with identifying next steps.
Make sure the log file size is large enough to capture all information with the additional
tracing on. The log file size setting may need to be increased if it is not large
enough. You can increase this value in the log4j settings file under ESFM_HOME.