Data Archiving - EcoSys - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EcoSys Performance Tuning

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Administration & Configuration
EcoSys Version

You can periodically purge some historical data to reduce the amount of data in the database. The following areas may be considered for different types of periodic maintenance and archiving.

How to check row counts:

  1. Go to Admin > System Status & Logs > System Information > System Configuration

  2. Check the option Recalculate DB Row Counts and then click Refresh.

  3. After the screen is refreshed, expand the Dataset Size grouping to view the row counts.

Batch Job Logs

The logs for batch jobs are stored in the EcoSys database. Typically, only one to two months of is needed. You can purge batch job logs using the EcoSys interface. On the Reports > Batch Job Log screen, select the earliest batch job for which to preserve online logs, and then select the option to delete previous batch job logs.

EcoSys will automatically purge Batch Job Logs. For more information, see Purging Batch Job Logs.

Audit Tables

The audit tables for general modifications, spreadsheets, and other details can consume a large amount of space. You may purge these tables using a simple SQL delete script and a date range. Check with the business owner before removing any audit records. Contact EcoSys support for assistance with the specific queries.