Client-Side Anti-Virus Scanning
Anti-virus programs that scan web content such as XML can significantly degrade GUI performance in the browser. Because of this, we recommend that you configure client-side anti-virus programs to exclude web pages, scripts, and data loaded from the EcoSys application servers. To ensure stable performance, We recommend that all users exclude the EcoSys application URL ( on their client workstation anti-virus policy configurations.
CPU and Available Memory
32-bit machine
We recommend that each client computer have at least a 2.0 GHz CPU, 4 GB RAM with 2 GB free for the browser accessing EcoSys. The performance of the front end when displaying large datasets depends on the CPU speed and available RAM. EcoSys recommends a minimum of 6 GB RAM for clients with large datasets. EcoSys recommends a minimum network connection of 1 Mbps for client computers.
64-bit machine
We recommend each client computer have at least a 2.0 GHz CPU, 4 GB RAM with 2 GB free for the browser accessing EcoSys. The performance of the front end when displaying large datasets depends on the CPU speed and available RAM. EcoSys recommends a minimum of 8 GB RAM for clients with large datasets. EcoSys recommends a minimum network connection of 1 Mbps for client computers.
Browser Recycling
If users experience a degradation of GUI performance over time, restarting the browser program may alleviate this. This is due to the automatic ways that each browser manages its internal resources, and not something under the control of the EcoSys application.
How to Restart the Browser
To free all browser resources, close all browser windows and tabs, and then re-launch the browser launched. Leaving even one of the browser windows open holds on to the resources.
Occasionally clearing the browser’s cache, or temporary files, can also have a positive effect.
Browser Version
For improved performance and memory management, we recommend using Chrome.