Database Connection Pool
Each application server has its own way to configure the connection pool. Refer to
the Install Guide for specific steps to configure the connection pool.
Recommended Minimum Database Connection Pool Size |
Low User Load (1-25 concurrent users) |
Medium User Load(25-75 concurrent users) |
High User Load (75-200 concurrent users) |
Enterprise (> 200 concurrent users) |
Minimum Connections |
10 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
Maximum Connections |
50 |
80 |
100-400 |
>300 |
You must size the database connection pool to be large enough so that there is not frequent contention for database connections with the application. After you configure the connection pool, you can use the Server Metrics screen and associated logging in EcoSys to identify the level of contention.
Use the following methods to monitor the use of the database connection pool usage and wait times:
In EcoSys, navigate to System Info > Server Metrics. Look the DB Connections and DB Conn Fetch Time rows in the data table there.
You can also review the SERVERMETRICS lines in the EcoSys application log file. Locate the attribute/values for dbc(#) (database connections) and dbcft(s) (database connection fetch time). You can see the log from the front end using System Admin > Display Log, then filter for SERVERMETRICS. For nominal values, refer to following table.
Database Connections (dbc(#)) |
Database Connection Fetch Time (dbcft(s)) |
This metric shows the average number of database connections in use over the sample interval. If the metric frequently approaches the number of connections configured in the database connection pool, you may need to increase the pool size. If the metric is usually substantially below the maximum, you may be able to reduce the pool size to conserve database resources. |
This metrics shows the average amount of time per second over the sample interval that the system had to wait to lease a connection from the connection pool. If the metric is frequently over 0.0, your users are experiencing waits due to not having enough available database connections. If the metric is usually zero, your connection pool size is likely not a bottleneck for performance. |
PULS Parallel Load Save
Settings and Defaults |
Notes |
report.parallelLoad.maxThreadsPerRequest=10 |
For a more powerful server, set the number as high as 20. |
report.parallelLoad.defaultThreadsPerRequest=2 |
For a more powerful server, set the number to 5. For each spreadsheet or report, the user can specify the number. |
report.parallelSave.maxThreadsPerRequest=10 |
For EcoSys release prior to 6.0, set to 1. |
report.parallelSave.defaultThreadsPerRequest=2 |
For a more powerful server, set the number to 5. For each spreadsheet or report, the user can specify the number. |
report.parallelSave.minRowsPerThread=50 |
Specifies the tuning between performance and resource. The more resource and poorer performance, the higher number. Other recommendations 20 or 100. |
PULS User Thread Pool
The settings in the following table are available only in EcoSysVersion 6+.
Settings and Defaults |
Notes |
server.CoreESThreadPoolSize=5 |
Indicates the number of threads guaranteed to be allocated. Setting this value higher than 25% of maximum thread pool size consumes more memory. |
server.MaxESThreadPoolSize=50 |
Increase this number if you see a long waiting time of user threads. However, a higher number means using more memory at particular times. Other recommendation is to set this to 100. |
server.ESThreadPoolkeepAliveTime=20 |
We do not recommend changing this value. |
Scalability considerations are listed in the following table:
"Core"/"Max" Thread |
Low User Load |
Medium User Load (25-75 concurrent users) |
High User Load |
Enterprise |
32-bit System, 2 CPU Cores, up to 1.4 GB Java Heap |
5/20 |
5/40 |
Not recommended |
Not recommended |
64-bit System, 4-8 CPU Cores, up to 5.0 GB Java Heap |
5/20 |
10/40 |
20/100 |
30 / > 200 |
64-bit System, > 8 CPU Cores, > 5.0 GB Java Heap |
10/40 |
20/100 |
30/200 |
** |
** Custom benchmarking recommended for optimal configuration.
Use the methods below to monitor the PULS user thread pool usage and wait times.
In EcoSys, navigate to System Info > Server Metrics. In the data table, location the rows Thr. Pool Wait Secs and Wkg User Threads.
Use the EcoSys System Status Monitor dashboard (/ecosys/systemstatus) to display the number of working PULS user working threads.
Click System Admin > Display Log to open the EcoSys application log file, and then filter for SERVERMETRICS. Look for the attribute/values listed in the following table.
Units |
Description |
tpwait(s) |
seconds |
Thread pool wait time per second |
tpwait(#) |
count |
Peak thread pool waiting jobs |
tpthrc(#) |
count |
Peak thread pool thread count (size) over interval |
tpwrkc(#) |
count |
Peak thread pool working count over interval |
Nominal values are listed in the following table.
Working User Thread Count tpwrkc(#) |
Thread Pool Wait Secondstpwait(s) |
Shows the average number of PULS user threads in use over the sample interval.
Shows the average amount of time per second over the sample interval that the system had to wait to lease a thread from the thread pool.
Reporting and Spreadsheet Row/Cell Limits
Settings and Defaults |
Notes |
reports.maxReportRecordCountWithCostsOrUnits=8000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a LANA definition with cost and/or unit fields. |
reports.maxBatchJobLogRecordCount=150000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a Batch Job Log report. |
reports.maxTaskRecordCount=50000 |
The maximum number of rows loaded by a Task subject area LANA definition. |
reports.maxCostObjectRecordCount=50000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a Cost Object subject area LANA definition |
reports.maxResourceRecordCount=20000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a Resource subject area LANA definition |
reports.maxActualChargeItemRecordCount=100000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a Actual Transaction subject area LANA definition |
reports.maxForecastChargeItemRecordCount=100000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a Forecast Transaction subject area LANA definition |
reports.maxCategoryValueRecordCount=50000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a Category Value subject area LANA definition |
reports.maxAuditAttributeRecordCount150000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a Audit Attribute subject area LANA definition |
reports.maxAuditSpreadsheetRecordCount=150000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows loaded by a Audit Spreadsheet subject area LANA definition |
Database SQL Settings
Settings and Defaults |
Notes |
database.maxInClauseCount=700 |
Specifies the number of elements allowed in a single SQL where clause. The maximum for Oracle is 800. |
database.fetchSize=100 |
Specifies the number of rows retrieved at once by a JDBC ResultSet. For larger row counts, you may increase this value to reduce number of trips across the network. |
server.maxSessionFilterCount=5000 |
Specifies the maximum number of rows allowed to be enforced by session filters. This only applies to Versions and Organizations; Cost Object session filters may have unlimited number of rows enforced by a session filter. |
Import and Commit Sizes
Settings and Defaults |
Notes |
database.maxInClauseCount=700 |
Specifies the number of elements allowed in a single SQL where clause. The maximum for Oracle is 800. |
database.fetchSize=100 |
Specifies the number of rows retrieved at once by a JDBC ResultSet. For larger row counts, you may increase this value to reduce number of trips across the network. |
server.maxSessionFilterCount=5000 |
Specifies maximum number of rows allowed to be enforced by session filters. This only applies to Versions and Organizations; Cost Object session filters may have unlimited number of rows enforced by a session filter. |
Global Cache
The following setting is used for EcoSys Version 6+ only:
Settings and Defaults |
Notes |
server.dac.FormulaScope=CS_Global. |
none * |
* The options for each cache are CS_Global or CS_Request. CS_Global is recommended for all caches.
Closeout Process
Settings and Defaults |
Notes |
server.closeout.usingSP=true |
This setting must be absent or set to TRUE. The software does not support setting the value to FALSE. |
server.closeout.nextKeyBlock=50 |
For large dataset, use large number. Example 3000 |
Query Cache
Setting and Default |
Notes |
database.querycache.enabled=true |
We do not recommend disabling the query cache. |
database.querycache.expirationSeconds=600 |
The value -1 indicates no expiration |
database.querycache.invalidateSeconds=5 |
On a larger cache size, less frequent invalidation may conserve CPU resources. If stale cache hits are frequent (users seeing old data), a more frequent invalidation interval is recommended. Recommended to set to a value of 2-60 |
database.querycache.maxcachebytes= |
10% of Java heap size of the server |
database.querycache.maxResultsetBytes= |
10% of the database.querycache.maxcachebytes |
database.querycache.checkResultSetSize= |
If performance is critical, turn it off. |
For scalability considerations, refer to EcoSys Support for assistance.
Report Instance Cache
The report instance cache (EcoSys version 6+ only) temporarily saves report output on the application server’s disk. This enables users to view the report output without re-running the report. The cache also speeds up export to Excel and PDF, as well as redrawing of chart reports quickly. We do not recommend that you disable the report instace cache.
Settings and Defaults |
Notes |
report.instanceCache.rootFolder= |
Set to local fast disk on the application server. |
report.instanceCache.enabled=true |
Not recommended to disable |
report.instanceCache.exportAgeMinutes=60 |
If users experience long delays when exporting reports to Excel or PDF due to recomputing the data, increase this value from default. Recommended to set to a Minimum 5, maximum 180 |
report.instanceCache.autoExpireIntervalMinutes=60 |
Decrease from default if cache is using too much space on disk. Recommended to set to a Minimum 5, maximum 180 |
Cache hit ratios can be an indicator for how to adjust these values.
Application Tracing
Application tracing is controlled on the Application Tracing tab on the Application Settings screen. For normal production use, apply the Set to Defaults option so that unnecessary detail is not written to the application log, slowing down performance.
The recommended (default) values for application tracing are to disable all options except for: ERROR, WARN, ACTION, PROCESS METRICS, and SERVER METRICS.
The SERVER METRICS recommended intervals are listed in the following table.
SERVERMETRICS Usage Scenario |
Update Log Interval* |
SAMPLE Interval* |
Recommended defaults for everyday production use. |
120 |
10 |
If more detailed server metrics are needed, such as when benchmarking multi-user load scenarios, the intervals may be temporarily increased in granularity. |
30 |
5 |
For very fine-grained measurements.
10 |
3 |
Setting both intervals to zero and clearing the SERVERMETRICS option will disable SERVERMETRICS. This is not recommended unless troubleshooting. |
0 |
0 |
* The SAMPLE Interval should always be less than half of the log update interval.
When troubleshooting performance, sometimes it is valuable to capture additional details. The most common approach is to temporarily enable these options: QUERY, QUERYPARAM, and METHOD.
These options should be set back to their defaults (disabled) immediately after the
troubleshooting session is complete. Running with these options on will produce very
large log files in a short amount of time.
Audit Level Settings
Settings and Defaults |
Other Recommendations |
Notes |
server.enableAuditAttributeSystem=true |
database.storeAuditAttributeXML=true |
Set to true for finer detail audit records |
Enabling this option can cause additional load and volume in the database. As such, we recommend that you enable it only if required by the business. |
server.enableAuditSpreadsheetSystem= |
Set to true for finer detail audit records |
Enabling this option can cause additional load and volume in the database. As such, we recommend that you enable it only if required by the business. |
server.enableAuditWorksheetSystem=true |
Special Mode Settings
Setting and Default |
Other Recommendations |
Notes |
mode.demo=false mode.testing=false mode.debug=false |
None |
These values must be set to FALSE or omitted from the file. None of these options should be enabled for production or end-user use, and their use is not supported. |
server.internalLoggingAreas= |
None |
This value should be blank or missing. Other values for this settings are used only for internal troubleshooting or in special circumstances by EcoSys support staff. |
server.has32BitLimitOnHeapSize=false |
Set to "true" for 32-bit systems. |
This value should be set to TRUE for any 32-bit JVM. This limits the heap size to 1.4 GB, preventing errors due to the JVM falsely reporting more addressable memory than it can use. |