Configuring JBoss EAP for EcoSys - EcoSys - 9.0 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

EcoSys Installation

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Installing and deploying EcoSys on the JBoss EAP application server on Windows.

Java Configuration for JBoss EAP

  1. Navigate to the application server bin folder and open the standalone.conf.bat file.

  2. Set the initial memory pool (Xms) and the maximum memory pool (Xmx) to the size recommended in the EcoSys Server Sizing Recommendations. The defaults are not sufficient to run EcoSys.

Installing the ESFM Overlay

  1. Navigate to ...C:\EcoSys\alt\deploy folder and extract the overlay zip file. Copy the contents to the root folder of the application server. This example uses C:\EAP-7.3.0

    For Oracle: Use esfm-jboss-
    For MSSQL: Use esfm-jboss-

Configuring the ESFM_HOME

  1. Navigate to the ...\standalone\configuration folder in the application server installation and edit the standalone.xml file.

  2. Paste the following setting below the closing </extensions> tag. Edit the ESFM_HOME as necessary.


    <property name="ESFM_HOME" value="C:\EcoSys\ESFM_HOME"/>


Configuring the DataSource

  1. Navigate to the ...\standalone\configuration folder in the application server installation and edit the standalone.xml file.

  2. Depending on the database platform being used, paste the appropriate database driver text below above the closing </drivers> tag:

    For Oracle:

    <driver name="ojdbc6" module="com.ecosys.jdbc"/>

    For MSSQL:

    <driver name="sqljdbc" module="com.ecosys.jdbc">


  3. Choose datasource setting below for the database type in use and paste it above the opening <drivers> tag. Modify the <connection url> and <password> as necessary.

    For Oracle:

    <datasource jndi-name="java:/jdbc/esfm" pool-name="EsfmDS" enabled="true"

    For MSSQL:

    <datasource jndi-name="java:/jdbc/esfm" pool-name="EsfmDS" enabled="true"
    use-java-context="true"> <connection-url>jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;database=esfm</connection-url>

Copying the Library Files

  1. Download a supported database JDBC driver, from Oracle or Microsoft depending on platform, and copy it into the corresponding folder below:

    For Oracle: Copy the ojdbc.jar file to …\modules\com\ecosys\jdbc\main

    For MSSQL: Copy the sqljdbc.jar file to …\modules\com\ecosys\jdbc\main

    If Primavera API is being used, refer to EcoSys Primavera P6 Adapter Installation

Modify the module.xml

  1. Navigate to …\modules\com\ecosys\jdbc\main and edit the module.xml. Change the resource root path to the name of the supported driver in the …\modules\com\ecosys\jdbc\main folder:


    <resource-root path="mssql-jdbc-9.2.1.jre8.jar"/>


Deploying EcoSys

  1. Copy the ecosys.war file from the ...C:\EcoSys\deploy folder into the \standalone\deployments folder of the application server.

  2. Start the application server.