Configuring IBM WebSphere for EcoSys - EcoSys - 8.8 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Installation

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Installing and deploying EcoSys on IBM WebSphere Application Server

Setting the Java Heap Size and JVM Arguments

  1. From the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console expand Servers > Server Types and select WebSphere Application Servers.

  2. Select the server to run EcoSys, then under Server Infrastructure, expand Java and Process Management, and select Process Definition.

  3. Under Additional Properties, select Java Virtual Machine.

  4. Set the initial heap size and max heap size according to the EcoSys Server Sizing Recommendations.

  5. Add the following to the Generic JVM Arguments


    Generic JVM Arguments

Create user/password for the database java connection

  1. Expand Security and select Global Security.

  2. Expand Java Authentication and Authorization Service and select J2C authentication data. Click New.

    Global Security

  3. Enter the fmuser credentials created during database creation. Default is fmuser/fmuser.

Adding EcoSys as a Shared Library on WebSphere

  1. Expand Environment, and select Shared Libraries.

  2. Select the shared library scope and click New.

  3. Enter a name ecosys for the shared library name.

  4. In the Classpath text box add the required library files as following:


  5. Click OK and Save.

Adding JDBC Provider in WebSphere – Microsoft SQL Database

  1. Expand Resources and JDBC then select JDBC Providers.

  2. Select the Scope of the JDBC provider and click New.

  3. Select SQL Server as the Database type, Provider type as Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver and Implementation type as Connection pool data source, and click Next.

    JDBC Driver

  4. Enter the folder location of the sqljdbc.jar file which is saved as WebSphere variable ${MICROSOFT_JDNC_DRIVER_PATH}. Click Next, and Finish.

Adding the Data Source in WebSphere – Microsoft SQL Database

  1. Expand Resources > JDBC > Data Sources and click New.

  2. Enter the information below and click Next.

    Datasource Name: ecosys
    JNDI Name: jdbc/esfm

  3. Select an existing JDBC provider and select the JDBC provider created in the previous step. Click Next.

  4. Enter the database specific details for the data source and click Next.

  5. Enter the security aliases information as shown below.

    Component-Managed authentication alias, choose: fmuser
    Mapping-configuration alias: leave as ‘none’
    Container-managed authentication alias, choose: fmuser

  6. Click Next, click Finish, and click Save.

  7. Check the box next to the datasource and click Test Connection.

Setting Default Isolation Level (Microsoft SQL Database)

  1. Make sure the default isolation level of the data source is set to 2 as per this article:

  2. Skip to the section on Deploying the EcoSys Application on WebSphere below.

Adding JDBC Data Source in WebSphere – Oracle Database

  1. Expand Resources and JDBC and select JDBC Providers.

  2. Select the Scope of the JDBC provider and click New.

  3. Select Oracle as the database type, Provider type as Oracle JDBC Driver and Implementation type as Connection pool data source. Click Next.

    JDBC Driver

  4. Enter the folder location of the ojdbc6.jar file. Click Next and then Finish.

Adding the Data Source in WebSphere – Oracle Database

  1. Expand Resources > JDBC > Data Sources and click New.

  2. Enter the information below and click Next.

    Datasource Name: ecosys
    JNDI Name: jdbc/esfm

  3. Select an existing JDBC provider and select the JDBC provider created in the previous step. Click Next.

  4. Type the URL for the database, replace the server name, port number and SID to match the database settings jdbc:oracle:thin:@servername:port:databaseName and click Next.

  5. Enter the security aliases information as shown below.

    Component-Managed authentication alias, choose: fmuser
    Mapping-configuration alias: leave as ‘none’
    Container-managed authentication alias, choose: fmuser

  6. Click Next, click Finish and click Save.

  7. Check the box next to the datasource and click Test Connection.

Deploying the EcoSys Application on WebSphere

  1. Expand Applications > Application > WebSphere Enterprise Applications and click Install.

  2. Select Browse and choose the ecosys.ear (from C:\EcoSys\deploy). Click Next.

  3. Leave the default Fast Path selected and click Next.

  4. Check the box for Precompile JavaServer Pages files and click Next.

  5. On the Map resource references to resources screen click Browse.

    1. Select the EcoSys JNDI and click Apply and then Finish.

  6. Check the box to map the module to the server and click Next and then Finish.

  7. After the application has finished deploying click the Save at the bottom.

Map Resource References to Resources.

  1. Select the EcoSys enterprise application, and select shared library references under references.

  2. Check the EcoSys application and click Reference Shared Libraries.

  3. Highlight the available ecosys library and click the arrow so it moves to the selected box. Click OK.

  4. Check the EcoSys Application module and click Reference Shared Libraries.

  5. Highlight the available EcoSys library and click the arrow so it moves to the selected box. Click OK.

  6. Click OK and Save.

Start the EcoSys Application

  1. Expand Applications > WebSphere enterprise applications.

  2. Check the box next to ecosys, and click Start.