Installing and deploying EcoSys on Oracle WebLogic application server on Windows.
The steps in this section assume a WebLogic domain has already been created along with a managed server for the EcoSys application.
Pre-requisite for SQL Server: (skip if connecting to Oracle database)
Download the Microsoft SQL Server sqljdbc.jar database driver.
Copy the sqljdbc.jar file to the WebLogic installation folder under the ${WL_HOME}/server/lib folder.
Navigate to C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_home\oracle_common\common\bin and open the commEnv.bat with a text editor.
In later versions of WebLogic, the file to use is commExtEnv.cmd
Find the following lines below and add the bold text:
@rem set up WebLogic Server's class path and config tools classpath
Set WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH=%JAVA_HOME%\lib\tools.jar;%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;
%WL_HOME%\server\lib\weblogic.jar;%WL_HOME%\server\lib\sqljdbc.jar; -
Restart the Weblogic AdminServer.
Configuring the WebLogic Managed EcoSys Server
Log in to the WebLogic Administration Console and navigate to Environment > Servers.
Select the Managed Server created to run EcoSys.
Select the Server Start tab.
Select Lock and Edit.
Modify the Java Home of the server to a supported JDK.
Set the class path as follows. Change C:\EcoSys\ to the location where the extracted EcoSys release package resides:
wrapper.jar;C:\EcoSys\alt\lib\log4j-1.2.17.jarThe classpath delimiter is a semi-colon for Windows and a colon for Linux.
Set the initial memory pool (Xms) and the maximum memory pool (Xmx) to the size recommended in the EcoSys Server Sizing Recommendations.
-DESFM_HOME=C:\EcoSys\ESFM_HOME -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m
Click Save and then Activate Changes.
Configuring the DataSource
From the WebLogic Administration Console navigate to Services > Data Sources and click Lock and Edit.
Select New and Generic Data Source.
Name the DataSource esfm and set the JNDI Name to ‘jdbc/esfm’
Select Oracle or MS SQL Server database type and click Next.
Select the Oracle Driver (Thin) for Service Connections; Versions: 9.0.1 or later
Leave the defaults on the next page and click Next.-OR-
Select the Microsoft’s MS SQL Server Driver (Type 4) Versions: 2005 and later
Leave the defaults on the next page and click Next. -
Enter the database name, host name, user and password (default is fmuser/fmuser) for the database connection and click Next.
Click Test the connection and if successful, click Next.
Select the EcoSys server as the target for the data source.
Click Finish and Activate Changes.
Modify the Inactive Connection Timeout to 600 seconds from WebLogic Administration Console. This setting can be found at the following location.
Services > Data Sources > esfm > Connection Pool > Inactive Connection Timeout (Under Advanced Settings)
It is important to configure Inactive Connection Timeout to be greater than the maximum of and datasource.update.timeout located in the file.
Go to Servers > Control Tab and start the EcoSys server. If Node Manager is not installed and running an error will be displayed. Contact the WebLogic Administrator to make sure it is set up properly.
Deploy the EcoSys Application
From the WebLogic console, click Deployments and then select Lock and Edit.
Click Install and navigate to the ecosys.ear file in the extracted EcoSys release package. Click Next.
Leave the defaults and click Next.
Select the EcoSys server as a target for the application and click Next.
Click Finish and Activate Changes.
Start the EcoSys deployment.