Installation Prerequisites and Checklist - EcoSys - 8.8 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Installation

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Installation & Upgrade
EcoSys Version

This section describes the prerequisite steps for installing EcoSys. Use this as a pre-install checklist before initiating the installation process. These steps must be completed and confirmed before the scheduled installation.

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Prerequisite Steps

1 Check Box

The EcoSys Environmental Configuration Questionnaire provided by the EcoSys Project Manager must be completed and an EcoSys Server Sizing Recommendations should be on-hand.

2 Check Box

Server Hardware and Operating Systems Installation - Refer to EcoSys Supported Platforms document to validate that the server hardware and operating system versions are supported.

3 Check Box

Application Server and Platforms Installation - Refer to the EcoSys Supported Platforms document to validate that the application server and version are supported.

4 Check Box

Database Server Installation - Refer to the EcoSys Supported Platforms document to validate that the database server and version are supported.

5 Check Box

Java JDK Installation - Refer to the EcoSys Supported Platforms document to validate that the Java JDK version is supported.

6 Check Box

Software Media on Server - Download the EcoSys installation package (.zip file) and copy it to the application and database servers where the software will be installed.

7 Check Box

EcoSys Standard Products Database - Download the EcoSys Standard Products Database backup (.zip file) and copy it to the database server:

Navigate to the same location that the installation media was downloaded from.

In the directory for the major release of EcoSys that is being installed, navigate to the 'EcoSys Standard Products Database' subdirectory.

Download the corresponding zip file for the database platform and version that will be used for the EcoSys application and unzip its contents. The same Oracle database backup can be used for all Oracle database versions that are supported by EcoSys whereas the SQL Server backups are version-specific.

8 Check Box

Software Licenses - Copy the EcoSys application license key ( to the application server.

9 Check Box

Passwords and Accounts - Before the installation, the following accounts and passwords will be required:

Application server administrator account and password, with either console or remote access available.

Database accounts and passwords.

10 Check Box

Schedule Staff Availability - During the installation, the following people and roles will need to be available.

System Administrator, with admin-level access to application servers.

Database Administrator, with DBA access to the database servers, and knowledge of database policies and storage parameters.

Project Manager, with authority to make decisions about installation preferences and the deployment priorities for EcoSys.

11 Check Box

Performance Tunning - Refer to EcoSys Performance Tuning Requirements document and implement the settings during the installation.

12 Check Box

Optional: Integration Component - Primavera API and/or SAP Requirements - Refer to the appropriate guides such as EcoSys Primavera P6 Adapter Installation and EcoSys Primavera P6 Adapter Help, EcoSys SAP Adapter Help, EcoSys SAP Adapter installation documents after completing the EcoSys installation.