Upgrading from versions prior to 9.0 to 9.0+ - EcoSys - Help

EcoSys Functional Automation Framework

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EcoSys Version

EcoSys version 9.0 had significant changes to the UI that effects the xpath used to identify buttons, menus, parameters, sever and other items.

To ensure that existing scripts will continue to run, the framework has been enhanced to convert old xpath for these items into the new xpath required. This is done as a best effort and will handle 99% of the xpath that need to be converted.

Even with the xpath automatically being converted, with the significant UI change it might take an extra run or two to have the scripts working 100% on the new EcoSys version.

Known xPath which requires manual updates

The following xpath needs to be updated manually in the object repository properties file. This can be done by doing a search for occurrences in the file and replacing them.

//*[@id="TOOLBAR_SAVE"] should be converted to //*[@id="SaveButtonWorksheet"]

It is recommended to refer to the proper version of the documentation when working with xpath as how to get and construct some xpaths have changed.

The spreadsheet menu could be collapsed based on the screen size and available space for the tool bar. This causes a button that the automation is programmed to be clicked in a drop-down menu instead of on the tool bar. In this case, the test will need to either:

  • Change the script so that drop-down menu is used instead of the icon click.

  • Manually adjust the spreadsheet panel size so that the icon appears when the spreadsheet loads. This will be saved in user context so when the script runs, the icon will be visible.