Generate VOWD - EcoSys - 4.02 - Help - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Contracts Help (4.02)

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EcoSys Standard Version

This procedure allows you to calculate Value of Work Done (VOWD) for the selected contract and period. The progress method will be used to calculate and store a % Complete that will be applied to the budget to generate VOWD transactions in the selected period.

  1. Navigate to Progress > Contract Value of Work Done.

  2. At the top of the screen, in the green parameter bar, click the Contract and Contract Period ellipsis to select the required contract and period.

  3. Click Refresh for screen update.

  4. Click the Actions list and select Generate VOWD.

  5. Click the Contract ellipsis to select the required contract.

    The Contract displayed in the green parameter bar at the top of the screen is the only project available for selection in the Generate VOWD dialog box.

  6. Click the Contract Period ellipsis to select the required period.

  7. Click RUN and then OK.

  8. To view the calculated VOWD: on the Contact Progress tab, click Refresh in the Contact Progress (upper panel).