Submit Contract Budget for Approval - EcoSys - 3.01 - Help - Hexagon PPM

EcoSys Contracts Help (3.01)

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EcoSys Standard Version

After execution of the Submit Budget for Approval action, the status of all open Contract Line Items changes to Submitted. The budget creator and users identified in the Contracts > Contract Setup - Workflow Admin screen receive notifications via email, and the budget log is updated. Budget Line Items with non-zero costs lock to prevent changes to budget data.

Only budgets with the Open status should be submitted for approval.

  1. Navigate to Budgets > Contract Budget.

  2. Click the Actions list and select Submit Budget for Approval.

  3. Click the Contract ellipsis to select the required Contract.

  4. (Optional) Type a Comment.

  5. Click RUN and then OK. The status of the selected contract changes from Open to Submitted.