Create a Git Repository for storing configuration settings - EcoSys - 3.1 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

EcoSys Connect Installation and Configuration (Microk8s Kubernetes)

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Installation & Upgrade
EcoSys Version

EcoSys Connect uses configuration property files to control the settings of the Dispatcher, Agent, and LogAgent. These properties files need to be staged in a GIT Repository so the EcoSys Connect containers can access them. The GIT repository can be on GITHUB, Azure Devops Repos, and so on.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create your repository.

  2. Copy the following files from the installation media and place them in a single directory that will be checked into the root of the GIT repository.

    • ~/components/dispatcher/config/

    • ~/components/logAgent/config/

    • ~/components/agent/config/

  3. Check-in the files from your GIT repository in the root folder.

  • During the installation, you must specify the GIT repository and the branch to use so that the property files can be managed in different branches for different usages. For example, Dev/QA/Production.

  • For Azure DevOps Repository, use a Personal Access Token as the GIT password during the installation. For more information on creating Personal Access Token, refer to Use personal access token.