Encrypting Passwords - EcoSys - 3.1 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

EcoSys Connect Installation and Configuration (Microk8s Kubernetes)

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Installation & Upgrade
EcoSys Version

The Connect installation requires several passwords in the values.yaml file in encrypted text. To encrypt these passwords, use the EcoSys System Utilities Encrypt Password tab

  1. Login to EcoSys

  2. Go to Admin > System Utilities

  3. Click the Encrypt Password tab

  4. For amq.systemEncPassword, amq.ecuser.encPassword and amq.ecdebugEncPassword

    1. Select ActiveMQ as the component.

    2. Enter the amq.encryptionPassphrase in the Passphrase and the password in the Clear Text field.

  5. Click the Encrypt button and the Encrypted text will be generated that can be used for one of these settings.

  6. For amq.ecuser.ciphertext

    1. Select Connect as the component.

    2. Enter the encryptionPassphraseConnect in the Passphrase and the password in the Clear Text field.

    3. Click the Generate ciphertext button and the CipherText text will be generated that can be used for this setting.

      For example,