Follow the steps below:
The Ubuntu server hostname must be all lower case and cannot use underscores.
Transfer the helm and installer folders from the installation media to the installation machine.
Go to the installer directory on the installer machine.
To provide all the script executable permissions, run the command, ‘chmod +x *.sh’
Go to the microk8s sub directory.
To provide all the script executable permissions, run the command, ‘chmod +x *.sh’
Edit the file and customize any settings based on your infrastructure.
The following are few important settings to adjust.
It is recommended only to change the property settings in the script. Modifying the code in or in any script is not recommended.
The deployment ID should be unique across all deployments because it is used to namespace components on shared infrastructure.
Example: Production, Test, Project1-Production
The default is set to get the machines hostname
This is set to Microk8s. Do not edit this setting
Set to true or false. Determine the deployment mode which influences the deployment size and CPU/memory settings. See Deployment Sizing table for more information.
Determines the # of nodes in the cluster. See Deployment sizing table for more information
The IP address of a DNS Server for name resolution of local resources. This should be set to your corporate DNS server so that local resources can be resolved by the cluster/Connect
Set to automatically get the hostname of the server using the $(hostname) command. This should not be changed without guidance from Hexagon Support.
A directory on the host used to host persistence volumes. This directory needs to be created before running the installation.
The namespace used to install the Connect components
The namespace used to install the Agent components
There are other settings and statements in the file. It is not recommended to change these settings unless working with Hexagon support.
Create the directory set in the PV_STORAGE_PATH. For example, by default PV_STORAGE_PATH is set to /pv so you would need to run ‘sudo mkdir /pv’ to create the directory.
Create the cluster by running ‘./’
The script will install the latest version of Microk8s and configure the required plugins required for Connect
The script will ask permission to complete certain operations during the install, reply as needed.
At the end of the script, it will re-login the user and ask for a password. Enter the password for the current user.
When the script completes, it displays a command to run. Execute the command. Example: ‘cd /home/ecosys/installer/microk8s; ./’ to complete the install.
To check that Microk8s is installed and running, execute ‘microk8s status’. The following add ons must be enabled: – dns, helm3, istio, storage.
Other add ons might be enabled and will not effect Connect's deployment.