EcoSys Connect is supported on the WE8MSWIN1252 and AL32UTF8 character sets.
Open the \database\create\oracle\setup\create.sql for editing.
If you are using Oracle on Linux, comment out the windows section and enable the windows section.
For each tablespace statement, modify the datafile statement to a path for your environment.
Update the ‘create user ecadmin identified by ecadmin’ line, by changing the section instance of ecuser to your preferred password.
Update the ‘create user ecuser identified by ecuser’ line, by changing the section instance of ecuser to your preferred password.
Modify the line, connect ecadmin/ecadmin@ecconnect and update the password and/or the Oracle SID.
Save the file.
Run the create.sql script against your oracle database as sysdba.
Apply schema updates as follows:
Copy the correct JDBC jar file to the \database\upgrade\ folder
Open the \database\upgrade\ file for editing
Locate the SQL Server section and add a # character at the start of each line to comment out each of the settings.
Locate the section for Oracle and remove the # character for each setting.
Edit the URL, username, and classpath based on your environment.
Save the file.
Open a shell on the host
Change directories to \database\upgrade
Ensure JAVA is on the path.
JRE 1.8 or above is required
Using one of the syntaxes below, run the upgrade script to apply the database changes while replacing password (keep the quotes) with the password for the database user specified in the file.
For Windows, execute the following command:
- upgrade.bat “password”
For Linux, execute the following commands:
set +H
./ “password”
Set -H
The result of the command appears as follows: