Configuration Revision - EcoSys - Version - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EcoSys Configuration Migration

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Administration & Configuration
EcoSys Version

After importing the ECM file, the configurator can now be able to roll back the configuration changes at both ECM level and element level. After importing an ECM file, a revision will be created for the existing configuration.

Configuration Revisions are saved only when the following server setting is set to true:


To view the Revision at ECM and Element level:

  1. Go to Configure > Revision.

    To view the Revision in the menu, you must add a screen ‘Revision’ in any menu. Based on configuration, the menu is displayed.

    After importing an ECM file, a revision of previous configurations that are present in the ECM are created and displayed in the Revision History tab at ECM level.

  2. After applying the merge changes, the revision gets saved in the database.

  3. If you wish to revert the changes to the previous configuration, click Apply for the selected Revision.

    The revision is applied to all the elements that are existing in the ecm file and a new copy of the revision with existing configurations is created in the Revision History tab at the ECM level.

    For example, if we have a revision saved as 12345, once you apply the changes, a new copy of the revision is created and saved as ELEMENT_REVISION_APPLIED_12345.

  4. If you wish to revert the changes only at Element level, do the following

    1. Select the revision name.

      A list of the configurations related to the revision is displayed.

    2. Select the configuration and select Apply for the configuration element.



    4. Select the Type from the list. You can select Actions, Spreadsheets, Forms, and so on.

      For example, select spreadsheet and enter the name of the spreadsheet.

    5. A list of configurations revisions created for the selected spreadsheet is displayed.

    6. Select Apply beside the revision.

      A maximum of 5 records are stored in the database for an element in the ELEMENT REVISION HISTORY tab.