Configuration Merge through Migration Management - EcoSys - Version - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EcoSys Configuration Migration

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Administration & Configuration
EcoSys Version

Migration Management helps you to use customized configuration along with the existing EcoSys configuration or when you upgrade to a newer version of EcoSys Standard Product. This also helps in upgrading configurations from staging/development environment to production environment. You can do this by importing the configuration files and identity the conflicts between the database and ECM file data and then merge the data.

Server settings for Configuration Merge

Set the following server setting to enable Configuration Merge:


If the setting is not enabled, the ECM files are imported, without any user intervention

The following elements support Configuration Merge:

  • Actions

  • Action Batches

  • Forms

  • Formulas

  • Spreadsheets

  • Reports

  • Report Batches

  • Screen Layouts

The following items will not be ‘merged’, they will be passed through and the Import rule (Create new/update existing) on the dialog will be used:

  • Menus

  • Mobile apps and mobile views

  • Enterprise data

  • Visual workflows

  • Columns/parameter templates

Any definition that uses a Column/parameter template will not be merged directly, the import is performed based on the option selected as shown in the screen below.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Configure > Migration Management.

  2. From the Tag: field, select the required tag from the list.

  3. Select the Sheet icon and then select Export to .ecm

    The .ecm file with . ecm extension gets exported which has multiple number of records. The ecm files refer to the files that are exported from staging/development/ EcoSys Standard Product environment.

  4. Select the Import Spreadsheet data from a file icon.

    1. Select Choose File and select the ECM file.

    2. Enter the Revision Name

    3. Enter the Revision Comments

      The Revision name and Revision comments are used for configuration revision. For more information on revision, see Configuration Revision.

      When Configuration Merge is enabled, only "Create New/Update Existing" import rule is supported.

  5. Tap OK.

    The Merge configuration elements dialog box appear that displays the selected ecm file that contains the data.

    The Merge configuration elements dialog box appears only if there is a conflict between the ECM data and Database data. If there are no conflicts, the file gets imported, and you can check the log files.

  6. Expand the configuration item.

    The configuration element(s) of the ECM file are displayed in a hierarchy view with the color code to identify the difference between the ECM file data and the database.

    The ECM file data appears under ECM column and the data for the database appears under Database column.

    1. White color indicates that there is no conflict between the ECM and Database data.

    2. Yellow color indicates that there is difference between the ECM and Database data.

    3. Red color indicates that the conflict exists in database, but not in the ECM.

    4. Green color indicates that the conflict exists in ECM, but not in the database.

      The General tab elements appears separately whereas all the other configuration elements from different tabs (Columns, Column filters, Row filters, Edit Settings and so on) appear under Columns. Hierarchy of attributes closely resembles configuration screens.

  7. Select the right arrow >> beside the ECM configuration element to merge it with the data in the database. Similarly, click the left arrow << beside the configuration element of the database to merge the changes with the ECM file.

    1. To merge the ECM data for entire section with the database, click the right arrow >> at the section level.

    2. To merge the data from the database to the ECM file, click the left arrow << at the section level .

    3. To merge the child data (for all the configuration elements) of the ECM file to the database or vice versa, click the right arrow >> and left arrows << respectively at the parent level.

      You can filter the nodes by selecting the checkbox for Identical, Different, ECM Only, and Database Only at the top.

      On the top corner of the page, you can also filter the elements based on status of the configuration elements:

      1. Reviewed- Displays only the reviewed configuration elements.

      2. Pending- Displays only the pending items that are yet to be reviewed.

      3. Override/Ignore- Displays the elements that has configuration issues.

        If there are any errors or defects in any of the configuration elements of the ecm file, those elements are displayed in blue. Click the element to view the options- Import and ignore. Based on the option selected, the import changes are reflected.

        You can view the errors/issues in detail, go to Admin > System Status & Logs > Batch Job Log and review the failed elements.

  8. After you click the right or left arrow for the configuration element, select Save option on the top right corner to save the merged changes.

    The following message appears.

    Saving the changes does not update configuration elements. This updates only in staging area, where we can review later.

  9. Mark the status of the spreadsheet as MARK AS REVIEWED after the changes are saved.

    The following message appears.

    You can save the changes and mark all the spreadsheets as reviewed at once or you can choose to review any of the spreadsheets later.

    You can also select the Import Spreadsheet data from a file icon to view the pending spreadsheets for review under Pending Items (s) for review. You can click on the pending spreadsheet and review the changes.

  10. After you review all the spreadsheets, select Apply.