Administration - HxGN EAM - 12.2 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

EAM System Overview

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Administration & Configuration
HxGN EAM Version

Report Name


Access Violations

Prints a list of unsuccessful login attempts

Audit Log

Prints a list of audited records

Degree Days Analysis

Displays the relationship between the heating and cooling degree days and energy consumption type

Document List

Prints a list of document attachments

Electronic Records

Prints an electronic record

Flex Business Rules List

Prints a list of Flex Business Rules

Function List

Prints a list of EAM functions

KPI and Inbox Usage

Prints a list of KPI and Inbox usage

List of Electronic Records

Prints a list of electronic record snapshots

List of Equipment Details

Prints a list of equipment details

List of EAM Codes

Prints a list of user codes

List of Tampered Records

Prints a list of records that have been changed through the back end

Message Processing and Delivery Status

Prints the processing status and delivery status of XML messages

Message Status

Prints the status of the XML messages

Message Status Summary

Prints a summary of the status of the XML messages

User Group Configuration

Print user group configuration

User Per Group

Prints a list of users in each user group