Enhancements to Dataflow Studio - HxGN EAM - 12.2 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

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Release Notes/Bulletin
HxGN EAM Version

Dataflow Studio (DFS) Cloud Connector service

Several new components and screens were added to the DFS Cloud Connector service to facilitate integrations between Dataflow Studio Cloud and locally deployed or on-premises systems.

This includes:

  • DFS Cloud Connector Locations – New screen for managing locations of Connector instances in the local environment

  • DFS Cloud Connector Downloads – New screen for downloading the Cloud Connector package for local installation

  • Cloud Connector Process Group – New check box in the Process Group window to designate the group for use with a Cloud Connector

  • Cloud Connector Broker – New icon on the Component Toolbar which facilitates communication between a Cloud Connector in the local infrastructure and Dataflow Studio in the Cloud