Performance Issues - Checking SQL Server Memory - Honeywell DOC4000 - 7.3 - Installation & Upgrade - Intergraph

DOC4000 Installation Guide

Honeywell DOC4000
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Installation & Upgrade
PAS Version

In addition to ensuring the DOC4000 Server computer meets the requirements in the Readiness Checklist, DOC4000 requires a SQL Server database to store and process its data. To ensure optimum performance, you should properly configure the memory allocation of SQL Server.

Set the appropriate amount of memory to SQL Server. You should set 75% of memory for systems with 24 GB of RAM and above, or 50% of memory for system with below 24 GB or RAM.

To review and set the memory allocation:

  1. Click Windows Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 20xx > SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. Connect to the Database Engine using the credentials supplied on site.

  3. Right-click the instance at the top of the display, and then click Properties.

  4. In the Server Properties window, select Memory in the left pane.

  5. Change the Maximum server memory to the appropriate value in MB, and then click OK.