Understanding the Punch List Fields - Honeywell DOC4000 - 7.3 - Help - Intergraph

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Each punch list item has a number of fields that describe and define that punch list item. The Punch List Summary page provides many of these fields so you can search and sort the list of items. When you open an individual punch list item, you can view all the fields for that punch list item. The following list summarizes and defines the punch list fields:


Provides a unique number assigned to the punch list item.

Past Due Status

Displays icons that identify whether the punch list item is Past Due, High Priority, Completed, Assigned, or Suppressed. You can hover over each icon to display a tooltip that identifies the meaning of the icon.


Provides a unique name for the punch list item. The punch list does not allow two items to have the same title.


Provides a description of the punch list item, such as how to complete the task.


Provides a classification for the punch list item of up to 50 characters. This field allows you to identify and group punch list items as needed.


Displays the current state of the punch list item, such as Open, Assigned, Suppressed, or Closed.


Displays the user who created the punch list item. This field is set by DOC4000 and cannot be changed.

Assigned To

Displays the user who is responsible for the next step for this punch list item.

Date Entered

Displays the date and time this punch list item was created. This field is set by DOC4000 and cannot be changed.

Date Assigned

Displays the date and time this punch list item was last assigned to a user. This field is set and updated by DOC4000.

Date Modified

Displays the date and time this punch list item was last modified and saved. This field is set and updated by DOC4000.

Date Due

Specifies the date and time when the punch list item should be complete.

Date Closed

Displays the date and time this punch list item was closed. This field is set by DOC4000 and cannot be changed.


Specifies the cost for this punch list item, up to 50 characters. If the punch list item is associated with a defect, DOC4000 populates this field based on the accumulated cost of all associated defects.


Specifies the priority for the punch list item, such as High, Medium, or Low. The default value is Low.

Percent Complete

Specifies the percentage of work finished, from 0 to 100%, for this punch list item. If the punch list item is associated with a single defect, DOC4000 displays the value of the associated defect in this field.

Workflow Case

Displays a link to the workflow case associated with this punch list item, if any.

Workflow Case Status

Displays the status of the workflow case associated with this punch list item, such as Open, Assigned, Suppressed, or Closed. This field is set and updated by DOC4000.


Provides an optional description of the progress of work for this punch list item.


Provides an optional description of what was accomplished to complete and close this punch list item.

User Defined Fields (UDFx)

Provides three additional optional fields that allow you to record more information related to the punch list item. You can define the information that is important to you for the work tracked by these punch list items.

Associated Defects

Displays all the defects associated with this punch list item. Each defect in the list provides a linked ID, title, and status for that defect, and each defect is listed on a separate line.

Associated Objects

Displays all the objects associated with this punch list item. Each object in the list provides a linked ID for that object, and each object is listed on a separate line.