CAESAR II Tools Toolbar - CAESAR II - Help

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The CAESAR II Tools toolbar contains common functions to the CAESAR II software. You can access this toolbar from the Classic Piping Input dialog box or the 3D Model. This toolbar contains the following functions.

CAESAR II Configuration - Contains instructions specifying how CAESAR II performs an analysis. Each time that you open the software, it searches for this configuration file in the current data directory and uses it to perform the analysis. For more information, see Configuration Editor.

Start/Run (Error Checker) - Sends the model through interactive error checking. This is the first step of analysis. When the error check is complete, the Errors and Warnings dialog box displays the results. For more information, see Error Checking.

Batch Run - Error checks the model in a non-interactive way. This process halts only for fatal errors. It uses the existing or default static load cases and performs the static analysis.

Edit Static Load Cases - Displays the Static Analysis dialog box. For more information on static analysis, see Static Analysis.

Static Output

View Static Results - Provides an interactive review of static analysis results for the open job. The Static Output Processor window automatically displays upon completion of a static analysis. For more information, see Static Output Processor.

Dynamic Analysis - Performs dynamic analysis on a piping model. For more information, see Dynamic Analysis.