Underground Pipe Modeler - CAESAR II - Help

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Main window ribbon: Home > Input > Underground Pipe Modeler

Opens the Buried Pipe Modeler, which takes an above-ground layout and buries it.

The modeler performs the following functions:

  • Allows the direct input of soil properties. The modeler contains the equations for buried pipe stiffnesses. These equations are used to calculate the stiffnesses on a per length of pipe basis and then generate the restraints that simulate the discrete buried pipe restraint.

  • Breaks down straight and curved lengths of pipe to locate soil restraints using a zone concept. Where transverse bearing is a concern near bends, tees, and entry/exit points, soil restraints are in proximity in a mesh spacing.

  • Breaks down straight and curved pipe so that when axial loads dominate, soil restraints are spaced far apart.

  • Allows the direct entry of soil stiffnesses on a pipe-length basis. Input parameters include axial, transverse, upward, and downward stiffnesses, and ultimate loads. You can specify stiffnesses separately or in conjunction with the software's automatically generated soil stiffnesses.

The Buried Pipe Modeler is designed to read a standard CAESAR II input data file that describes the basic layout of the piping system as if it was not buried. From this input, the software creates a second input data file that contains the buried pipe model. This second input file typically contains a much larger number of elements and restraints than the first job. The first file that serves as the pattern is called the original file. The second file that contains the element mesh refinement and the buried pipe restraints is called the buried file. CAESAR II names the buried file by appending the letter B to the name of the original file.

During the process of creating the buried model, the modeler removes any restraints in the buried section. Any additional restraints in the buried section can be created in the resulting buried model. The buried file, if it exists, is overwritten by the successful generation of a buried pipe model. The software calculates displacements and stresses on the buried file.

Buried Pipe Modeler Toolbar Commands

The Buried Pipe Molder toolbar displays icons for commonly-used commands.


Opens an input data file that will serve as the original file.


Creates an input data file that contains the buried pipe model. By default, the software appends the filename of the original job with the letter B to create the buried input data file.


Prints the data input from the Buried Pipe Modeler window.

Print Preview

Displays a preview of the printed output.


Removes the data in the selected row from its current location and places a copy on the clipboard.


Creates a copy of the data in the selected row and places it on the clipboard.


Places a copy of the clipboard contents in the specified location.

For Cut and Copy , you can select multiple rows by using the standard options CTRL+click, SHIFT+click, SHIFT+á and, SHIFT+â.

  • You can only cut, copy, and paste an entire row.

  • Pasting a row pastes row data (such as soil model, end mesh, load, and stiffness values), but does not change the node numbers.

Soil Models

Opens the Basic Soil Modeler dialog box in which you specify soil properties for the CAESAR II buried pipe equations used by the software to generate one or more soil restraint systems. For more information, see Soil Models.


Converts the original file into the buried file by meshing the existing elements and adding soil restraints.


Searches for the specified text.

Menu Command

File > Change Buried Pipe Job Name.

Modifies the name of the buried pipe file.