Gasket Diameter, G / Bolt Circle - CAESAR II - Help

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Displays the gasket diameter.

Typical units (depending on your unit system):

  • in

  • mm

  • cm

Values for Gasket Diameter, G can be read from a file if you select ASME – 2003 from the Flange Pressure Ratings dialog box. The G values are in the text file ASME-2003.G located in the system folder of your application data directory. This box does double duty depending on which analysis technique is active.

Peq Method

Specify the diameter at the location of the gasket load reaction. From ASME Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 2, (except as noted in sketch (1) of Fig 2-4), G is defined as (see Table 2-5.2):

  • when b0 is less than or equal to 1/4, G equals the mean diameter of the gasket contact face

  • when b0 is greater than 1/4, G equals the outside diameter of the gasket contact face, less 2b.

When using the Peq method with the Stoomwezen Piping Code, use the bolt circle diameter instead of the gasket load reaction diameter (see chapter D0701 of the Code RToD). The results of this Peq Method are considered by Stoomwezen to be conservative.

NC-3658 Method

Specify the bolt circle diameter. This value is the diameter of the circle that passes through the bolt centers.

Flange evaluation is based on a specific load case temperature. To evaluate the flanges in a model, specify the operating temperature at which the software evaluates the flanges in the Flange Analysis Temperature box on the Load Cases tab of the Static Analysis - Load Case Editor.