Insert Restraint Dialog Box - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide (2019 Service Pack 1)

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11.0 (2019)

Controls options for inserting a restraint.

Selected Element Length

Displays the length of the selected element.

Break and Insert at New Node

Breaks the selected element by the defined parameter, creates a new node, and inserts the restraint at the node. Type a value for the new node number.

Element Midpoint - Breaks the element at its midpoint.

Distance in from Node <node number> - Breaks the element at a distance from the selected node. Select the node and type a value.

Define restraint properties on the Restraints auxiliary tab of the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

Insert at Existing

Inserts a restraint at one or both nodes for the element.

From Node - Select to insert the restraint at the starting node.

To Node - Select to insert the restraint at the end node.

Define restraint properties on the Restraints auxiliary tab of the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

Copy Restraint from Node

Copies the properties from the restraint at the specified node when creating the new restraint.

Properties display in on the Restraints auxiliary tab of the Classic Piping Input dialog box.


Creates the new restraint.


Closes the dialog box without creating a new restraint.