Deltas - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide (2019 Service Pack 1)

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11.0 (2019)

Shortcut keys:

  • F3 - Jumps to Deltas

  • ALT+2 - Opens Edit Deltas dialog box

Indicates the length of the selected element on the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

Type element lengths as delta dimensions according to the X, Y, and Z rectangular coordinate system established for the piping system. The Y-axis represents the vertical axis in CAESAR II.

CAESAR II treats each element as a vector. The vector length is equal to the element length. The vector direction points from the From node to the To node.

The delta dimensions DX, DY, and DZ, are the measurements along the X, Y, and Z-axes between the From node and the To node. In most cases you only need to use one of the three options, because the piping usually runs along the global axes. Where the piping element is skewed, you must make two or three entries. You must define at least one option for all elements except zero-length expansion joints.

You can use offsets to modify the stiffness of the current element by adjusting its length and the orientation of its neutral axis in 3-D space.

Double-click >> to display the Edit Deltas dialog box.

When you are using feet and inches for compound length and length units, valid entries include formats such as: 3-6, 3 ft. -6 in, and 3-6-3/16.