Checking the CADPIPE/CAESAR II Data Transfer - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide (2019 Service Pack 1)

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11.0 (2019)

It is important to verify the resulting CAESAR II input file. Begin by reviewing the log file to see if any errors or warnings were generated.

The log file is a standard ASCII text file that can be output to a printer or viewed with a text editor, such Notepad.

Next, enter the input mode of CAESAR II and plot the model. The CAESAR II plot for the CADPIPE data transfer example is shown in the following figure.

If the resulting CAESAR II geometry is inconsistent with the CADPIPE drawing, use the log file to identify the problem:

  1. Identify the problem area and locate the relevant elements in Section 3 of the log file.

  2. Find the appropriate segment in Section 2 of the log file and verify that it contains the same entities as shown in the CADPIPE connectivity file.

  3. Verify that the information in Section 1 of the log file matches the interpreted data in Section 3.

Anomalies with the resulting CAESAR II geometry can usually be attributed to one of the following causes:

  • An unexpected geometry condition was handed to the CAESAR II interface. The solution is to update the interface for the current condition. Forward the .UDE file to Hexagon CAS Support for analysis and subsequent interface modification.

  • An unknown item code was encountered during the data transfer, indicating that the CADPIPE software has been updated and new item codes added. Because the interface does not recognize the new items, it must be modified. Contact Hexagon CAS Support for assistance.

  • OLET entities in the CADPIPE connectivity file do not contain a reference to the piping element they intersect. As a result, the interface attempts to determine the associated pipe using coordinate computation and 3D intersection calculations. Potentially, the procedure can pass over the intersection point, and the branch containing the OLET plots at the origin of the CAESAR II model. You can correct this in the CAESAR II input by breaking the intersected pipe and assigning the OLET node number to the break point.

  • Some CADPIPE connectivity files that have been submitted to Hexagon CAS for analysis have been found to contain errors consisting of either pipe doubling back on itself or piping elements indicated as bends where there was no change in direction. Errors such as these can be detected by the CAESAR II error checker when it is run prior to attempting the data transfer.