Displacements - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide (2019 Service Pack 1)

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11.0 (2019)

Defines displacement data. Select or clear this option by double-clicking Displacements on the Classic Piping Input dialog box.

Typical units (depending on your unit system):

  • in

  • mm

  • cm

Rotation units: degrees

The Displacements tab controls displacements for up to two nodes (Node 1, Node 2) for each element. Type a value to specify the displacement allowed in a direction. Specify 0.0 to fully restrain the node in a direction. Specify no value to allow free movement of the node in a direction.


Indicates that the direction is undefined and free for all nine possible vectors. Free is the default value for all degrees of freedoms at each node before you define any values.

After you define a value for a direction on one vector, Free changes to Fixed for the same direction on the remaining vectors.


If a displacement value is entered for any direction on a vector, indicates an undefined and fixed displacement for the remaining vectors.

Fix DOFs

When you define a value for any direction, sets the remaining Free fields of the vector to the fixed value of 0.00.

  • Specifying no value for directions for all nine vectors models the node as free to move in all directions.

  • Specifying 0.00 for all directions is the same as defining an ANC anchor restraint.


1. Define directions on one vector.

2. Click Fix DOFs.

For information on controlling the display of displacements, see Displacements.