Model input generation consists of describing the piping elements and any external influences (boundary conditions or loads) acting on those elements. Two node numbers identify each pipe element end. Every pipe element also requires the specification of geometric, cross sectional, and material data. One method of data entry is the Piping Spreadsheet.
You define a piping element on its own spreadsheet. Some data, when defined on a piping element, is automatically duplicated by CAESAR II to subsequent piping spreadsheets. This means that for many elements you only confirm the node numbers and type the delta-dimensions. CAESAR II then automatically duplicates data from the previous element such as pipe diameter, operating temperatures, and material type. You can always type specific data to override the duplicated data in the piping spreadsheet for an element.
The menus, toolbars, and accelerators offer additional commands to type auxiliary processors or use special modelers or databases. The commands and general input instructions of the piping spreadsheet are discussed in detail in Piping Input.
In the DX box, type 10-0 (which is 10 ft).
In the Diameter box, type 8 (8-in. nominal).
CAESAR II automatically converts this value to the actual diameter.
In the Wt/Sch box, type S (standard schedule pipe wall).
CAESAR II automatically converts this to wall thickness.
In the Temp 1 box, type 600 (degrees Fahrenheit).
In the Pressure 1 box, type 150 (psig).
Double-click the Bend check box.
The Bends tab displays. This adds a long radius bend at the end of the element, and adds intermediate nodes 18 and 19 at the near weld and mid-points of the bend, respectively (node 20 physically represents the far weld point of the bend).
Double-click the Restraint check box.
The Restraint tab displays.
In the first Node box, type 10, and then select ANC from the first Type drop list.
Select A106 B from the Material drop list.
This selection fills in the material parameters such as density and modulus elasticity.
Double-click the Allowable Stress check box.
The Allowable Stresses tab displays.
Select the B31.3 code from the Code drop list.
Allowable stresses for the given material, temperature, and code display automatically.
In the Fluid Den 1 box, type 0.85SG (0.85 specific gravity).
The software automatically converts this value to density.
After you finish defining the first element, you need to move to the next element. You can do this by pressing Alt-C, by clicking Continue , or by selecting Edit > Continue from the menu.
Node numbers are automatically generated in the From and To boxes and data is carried forward from the previous element.
In the DY box, type 10-0 (10 feet).
Double-click the Restraint check box.
In the first Node box, type 30, and then select ANC from the first Type drop list.
The two-element model (a well-defined configuration anchored at each end) is complete.
The piping input preprocessor has an interactive graphics and a list view function to make model editing and verification easier. You can verify your model using the Graphics or List utilities, although a combination of both modes is recommended. By default, the graphics screen displays to the right of the input spreadsheet. You can click the small pin in the upper-left corner to collapse the input spreadsheet to provide maximum graphic space.