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CADWorx Structure

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CADWorx Version
20.1 (2020 R1)
CADWorx Structure Version
2020 R1 (4.1)

CADWorx Structure menu: Graphics

Command Name

Command Line

Section - Opens the Sections dialog box in which you can select a section graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Section.


Detail - Opens the Details dialog box in which you can select a detail graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Detail.


Plan - Opens the Plan dialog box in which you can select a plan graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Plan.


Elevation - Opens the Elevations box in which you can select an elevation graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Elevation.


Instrument - Opens the Instruments dialog box in which you can select an instrument graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Instrument.


Arrow - Opens the Arrows dialog box in which you can select an arrow head graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Arrow.


Misc - Opens the Miscellaneous dialog box in which you can select a miscellaneous symbol graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Misc.


Dots - Opens the Dots dialog box in which you can select a weld dots graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Dots.


Weld - Opens the Weld Symbols dialog box in which you select a weld symbol graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see Weld.


ISO - Opens the Isometric Symbols dialog box in which you can select an ISO symbol graphic to place on the drawing. For more information, see ISO.


Each of the Graphics commands opens a related dialog box, which is used to preview and select a graphic for placement in the drawing. A drawing file is used to display the preview graphic in the dialog box. These graphic drawing files are delivered to the [Product Folder]\Support folder. They can be modified to meet your specific project requirements.

A modified graphic drawing file must contain the same number of attributes as are currently in the drawing.

Adding preview graphics

If necessary, you can add more graphics to any of the graphics dialog boxes by modifying the contents of the Structure_alt.dat file. This file contains the definitions for each graphic type. The example below shows the graphics group in the Structure_alt.dat file that is referenced in the Sections dialog box.


s1s.dwg Head graph1 “s1” 1

s2s.dwg Head w/ Attrib graph1 “s2” 2

s3s.dwg Head w/ 2 Attrib graph1 “s3” 3

s4s.dwg End w/ Attrib graph1 “s4” 4

Columns must start at positions 1, 40, and 75 and define the information outlined below.

  • COL1 (Position 1) - Drawing used in the dialog box for preview image.

  • COL2 (Position 40) - Name displayed in the dialog box for graphic name.

  • COL3 (Position 75) - Function used to draw the graphic in the drawing with arguments.

  • Before you modify the Structure_alt.dat file, make a backup copy.

  • If the columns are not at the required positions, the drawing function fails.

  • There must not be any blank lines located within a section.

  • There must be a blank line at the beginning and at the end of a section.

  • The scale of the graphics inserted into the drawing, excluding isometric symbol graphics, is based upon the value of the CAD platform setvar DIMSCALE. If DIMSCALE is set to 0, as is required for paper space, the software inserts graphics at a scale of 1. Isometric symbol graphics are inserted at a scale of 1 regardless of the DIMSCALE setting.