Foundation Grip Modification - CADWorx - Help

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Piers and slabs in the Foundations contain square grips that allow you to change the size and thickness of the foundation pier or slab. The following examples use the Pier and Slab option. However, you can apply the same concepts used in the examples to the Pier, or Slab options individually.

Each grip point lengthens or shortens that area of the slab or pier. For example, the middle grip point increases the slab thickness or the pier thickness. The side grip points lengthen or expand the width of the slab or pier.

Slab with a Pier Thickness Adjust

Thickness Slab Adjust with Pier

Thickness Slab Adjust with Pier 2

Pier on a slab Thickness Adjust

Thickness Pier Adjust with Slab

Thickness Pier Adjust with Slab 2

Adjust Pier Length or Width

Pier Adjust with Slab

Pier Adjust with Slab 2

Adjust Slab with pier Radius

Circular Slab Adjust with Pier

Circular Slab Adjust with Pier 2

Octo Slab Adjust with Pier

Octo Slab Adjust with Pier 2

Adjust Pier with slab Radius

Circular Pier Adjust with Slab

Circular Pier Adjust with Slab 2

Octo Pier Adjust with Slab

Octo Pier Adjust with Slab 2