Gusset Plate Grip Modifications - CADWorx - Help

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Gusset plates contain square and plus grips that allow you to shorten or lengthen the sides of the plate, and adjust the size of a chamfer. To insert gusset plates, your model must contain bracing.

Corner gusset plate grips

Corner Gusset Grip Points

Adjust a side with a chamfer using the square grip

With the square grip, the input value determines the length or width of the plate based on the square grip selection. For example, if you select the length grip and type 2', the software updates the plate length to two feet. When you double-click the plate, the updated value displays in the data in the Modify Plates palette.

Change Size of gusset plate

Dimension from column

Length changed to gusset

Adjust a side with a chamfer using the plus grip

Click a plus grip, and then drag in the direction to adjust the plate. Type 2' on the command line, and the software adds two feet to the plate.

Plus grip gusset plate selection

Dimension of plus grip

Adjust size of gusset with plus grip

If you drag the mouse towards the center of the gusset, and type a value, the software removes the input value from the plate. For example, if you type 1', the software removes a foot in size from the plate.

Adjust the corner gusset chamfer

The corner gusset chamfer also contains grip points. The plus grip point adjusts the chamfer distance for both sides of the chamfer. The dimension starts at the edge of the plate, and the software adds or subtracts the entered value from the chamfer depending on the way you drag the mouse. For example, click the plus grip on the chamfer and drag the mouse toward the center of the gusset plate, and type 5".

Chamfer plus grip selection

Chamfer inward distance

The software adjusts the chamfer by five inches.

Chamfer inward changed

Drag away from the plate, and then type 2".

Chamfer outward distance

The software adjusts the chamfer by two inches.

Chamfer adjusted outward

The square grips adjust the size of each corner of the chamfer.

Chamfer square grip

Chamfer adjust corner

Midspan gusset plate grips

The midspan gusset works the same way as the corner gusset, except the software matches a change to one side on the opposite side. Also, when you edit a chamfer, all the chamfers update to match the change.

Plus grips on midspan gusset

Adjust a side

You can adjust a side using a plus grip or square grip. The plus grip and square grip are similar to the grips on the corner gusset. However, the software adds the input value to both sides instead of just one. The plus grip adds the input value to the overall length or width of both sides of the gusset. For example, select a plus grip and type 2'. The software adds two feet to the length of each side, and the 2'x2' plate is now a 6'X2' plate.

Plus grip adjust midspan

Distance adjust plus grip midspan

Resized midspan from plus grip

The square grip uses the input value for the plate length or width. For example, select the square grip, and type 3'. The software changes the 1'X1' plate to a 1'X3' plate.

Square grip midspan

Square grip distance adjust

Resized gusset by square grip

Adjust a chamfer

When you adjust a chamfer using the grips, the software adjusts all chamfers on the midspan gusset. For example, select the plus grip on the chamfer, drag towards the center of the gusset, and then type 5". The software adjusts the chamfer on all sides by five inches.

Plus grip midspan chamfer

Inward distance chamfer

Inward adjust chamfer

If you drag away from the gusset, and then type 2", the chamfer adjusts by two inches.

Outware adjust chamfer

The square grips adjust the size of all chamfers on the gusset based on the direction you drag the point.

Adjust corner grip on chamfer midspan

Grip adjusted on midspan chamfer