System Prompts - CADWorx - Help

CADWorx Plant

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CADWorx Version
20.1 (2020 R1)
CADWorx Structure Version
2020 R1 (4.1)

The system prompts required to draw the graphic types delivered with the software are outlined in the table below.


System Response

Prompt 1

Pick left justified insertion point: pick a point in the drawing
Rotation angle: pick a direction or enter angle
Enter scale: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER

Prompt 2

Pick left justified insertion point: pick point in the drawing
Rotation angle: pick direction or enter angle
Enter mark: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER
Enter scale: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER

Prompt 3

Pick left justified insertion point: pick a point in the drawing
Rotation angle: pick a direction in the drawing or enter angle
Enter mark: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: A)
Enter drawing: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: 106)
Enter scale: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: 3/8"=1'-0")

Prompt 4

Pick insertion point: pick a point in the drawing
Section direction: pick a direction in the drawing
Projection direction: pick a direction in the drawing
Enter mark: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: A)

Prompt 5

Pick insertion point: pick a point in the drawing
Section direction: pick a direction in the drawing
Projection direction: pick a direction in the drawing
Enter mark: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: A)
Enter drawing: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER ( ex: 106)

Prompt 6

Pick insertion point: pick a point in the drawing
Section direction: pick a direction in the drawing
Projection or other direction: pick a direction in the drawing

Prompt 7

Pick object to mark: pick an object in the drawing
Pick mark location: pick point in the drawing
Enter mark: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: A)

Prompt 8

Pick object to mark: pick an object in the drawing
Pick mark location: pick a point in the drawing
Enter mark: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: A)
Enter drawing: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: 106)

Prompt 9

Pick left end point: pick a point in the drawing
Pick right end point: pick a point in the drawing
Enter title: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: ELEVATION NORTH)
Enter scale: enter a string (ex: 3/8"=1'-0")

Prompt 10

Pick instrument to label: pick a point in the drawing
Pick mark location: pick a point in the drawing
Enter first level label: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: SDV)
Enter second level label: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: 1)

Prompt 11

Pick instrument to label: pick a point in the drawing
Pick mark location: pick a point in the drawing
Enter first level label: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: PI)
Enter second level label: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: 106)
Enter third level label: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: B)

Prompt 12

Pick center insertion point: pick a point in the drawing
Rotation angle: pick a direction or enter angle

Prompt 13

Pick center insertion point: pick a point in the drawing

Prompt 14

Pick center insertion point: pick a point in the drawing
Pick direction: pick a direction

Prompt 15

Pick insertion point: pick a point in the drawing (not center insertion, outside edge)
Pick direction: pick a direction in the drawing
Enter mark: type a string on the command line, and press ENTER (ex: 101)Weld

Prompt 16

Pick leader start point: pick a point in the drawing
Pick intermediate point: pick a point in the drawing
Pick direction for tail: pick a direction in the drawing

Prompt 17

Pick insertion point: pick a point in the drawing
Pick rotation: pick a direction in the drawing

Prompt 18

Pick insertion point: pick a point in the drawing

Prompt 19

Pick insertion point on line: pick a point in the drawing
Pick rotation: pick a direction in the drawing

Prompt 20

Pick location: pick a point in the drawing
Pick rotation or [Up/Down/Roll/mirrorX/mirrorY/mirrorZ]: select an option or pick the rotation