Using -ISOGENOUT - CADWorx - Help

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Runs the Isogen Out option without the dialog boxes. You can create .scr files using Notepad. When creating the script files, use the -ISOGENOUT command as the first line, and then use the letter designation for the option, such as Y for Use I-Configure Style.

Use I-Configure Style? [Yes/No] <Yes>

Specifies to use the I-Configure Style.

Select IsoDir [1 C:\IsoDir/ 2 C:\IsoDir2/ .. / n C:\lastIsoDir] <>                   

Lists all the Isogen Directories (IsoDir) from I-Configure dynamically and numbers them 1 to n in alphabetical order. The default directory is the last one used or the first alphabetically if you did not yet use one. You can type out the IsoDir on the command line in this option

Select Project [1 Project1/2 Project2/ .. / n LastProject] <>                         

Lists all the projects located inside the Isogen Directory from I-Configure dynamically and numbers them 1 to n in alphabetical order. The default project is the last one used or the first alphabetically if you did not yet use one. You can type out the project on the command line in this option.

Select Style [1 Check/ 2 Final-Basic/ .. / n System] <>                                    

Lists all the styles located inside the project from I-Configure dynamically and numbers them 1 to n in alphabetical order. The default style is the last one used or the first alphabetically if you did not yet use one. You can type out the style on the command line in this option.

Enter an option [Line number/Select components] <Select components>

Specifies how you want to select your components.

Enter an option [Select component/List] <Select component>

This option displays when you select Line Number from the first Enter an option listing. You can choose to have your line numbers listed in a selectable list, or to select the line numbers by selecting components.

Select Line Number [1 Line1/ 2 Line2/ .. / n LineN] <1 Line1>

When you select the List option your line numbers list displays on the command line. The default is just the first alphabetically.

Select additional Line Numbers? [Yes/No] <No>                                              

Allows you to select additional line numbers when running -ISOGENOUT. Normally, the dialog box that would display for Isogen Out would allow you to select multiple line numbers. This option keeps that multi-select functionality. If you select Yes, then the software repeats the Select Line Number option. After another line number selection, the software again repeats this option. If your model contains no more line numbers, then the software skips the Select additional Line Numbers option.

Open (1) isometric drawing files: [Yes/No] <No>

Specifies to open the created Isogen drawing(s). The number listed in parentheses is the number of drawings that the software opens when you select Yes.