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Mouse Icon CADWorx P&ID tab: Valves > Reducing

Mouse Icon Valves toolbar: Reducer

Mouse Icon P&ID menu: Valves > Reducing

Keyboard Command line: ICONREDUCER

Places a reducer symbol. This command displays the Reducers dialog box. When you insert a reducer on a line size different from the size settings in the CADWorx P&ID Setup, the software places the reducer based on the size of the line. For example, you have a 10" line, and your size settings in the CADWorx P&ID Setup are set to 4" for the Main and 2" for the Reduction. When you insert a reducer on the 10" line, the software inserts a 10"x2" reducer. However, if you had a 1" line and placed the same reducer, the software inserts a 1"x2" line. The line always acts as the main size for the reducer. If you insert the reducer into the model space without a line, the software inserts a 4"x2" reducer.


Changes the size of the highlighted line and any inline component along that line.


Switches the highlight of the line to the other side of the reducer.


Makes no changes to the line. If you delete a reducer and select NoChange, the software does not change the size of the line or mend the line when it deletes the reducer.

Reducers Dialog Box

Specifies a reducer type and displays a preview of the selected reducer symbol.


Displays the available reducer types. Select one of the following:

  • Reducer - Concentric

  • Reducer - Eccentric (flat down)

  • Reducer - Eccentric (flat up)

  • Swage - Concentric


Display a graphic preview of the selected symbol.


Accepts the selected symbol and closes the dialog box. The symbol can then be placed in the drawing.

Each symbol is defined by the REDUCERS value of Sections in the Menu Maintenance dialog box. You can also add more flanges. For more information, see Menu Symbols.