CADWorx Internet Publisher Wizard - Selection and Information - CADWorx - Administration & Configuration

CADWorx Internet Publisher

Internet Publisher
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Administration & Configuration
CADWorx Version

Selects the CADWorx P&ID project configuration file.


Specifies a valid CADWorx P&ID configuration file. By default, the configuration file is located in the root folder of any valid CADWorx P&ID project and is named Project.cfg. The software extracts information about the project from the configuration file. Names of drawings, documents, LOOPs, reports, and so forth are all located using the configuration file and the project database. All of this information is used by the wizard for publishing the project.

Config file path

Displays the location of the configuration file. The software populates this box automatically after you select the configuration file.

Database type

Displays the type of database is being used. The software populates this box automatically after you select the configuration file.

Database name

Displays the name of the database being used. The software populates this box automatically after you select the configuration file.


Specifies the user name. This option is required only when the software detects an Oracle or SQL Server database.


Specifies the password. This option is required only when the software detects an Oracle or SQL Server database.

Company name

Specifies the name of the company. This can be any name and is used only for identification purposes.

Project name

Identifies the published project. A file named <Project-Name>.pub (publish file) is stored in the CADWorx P&ID folder and records all information about the current publication. You can store several publish files (*.pub) in the project folder, with each one having different files and database columns defined for publishing.