Qualification pathway - AcceleratorKMS - Version 5.1 - Reference - Hexagon

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The path a learner must take to obtain or maintain a qualification. The learning admin assigns qualification pathways to learners and the learners must successfully complete those learning pathways in order to become qualified for specific positions or jobs. For example, you have field operators in your organization who also have to periodically operate a crane or a forklift. The learning admin can create a qualification for Crane Operator and build a qualification pathway that the field operator must complete in order to become a qualified Crane Operator.

The order in which a learner can complete a qualification pathway depends on whether the Restrict sequence parameter is applied and at what level the parameter is applied: qualification, grouping, competency, learning module and even learning modes. If that parameter is left unchecked, the learner can complete the pathway in the sequence that best suits them. If the parameter is checked, the learner must complete everything under that activity in the order it is presented.