Saving and publishing content in all languages - AcceleratorKMS - Version 5.0 - Help - Hexagon

AcceleratorKMS Traditional Content Writing

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The table below summarizes actions that need to be completed before saving and publishing draft content:




Titles should be provided for all available translations of the content. This ensures that content in all available languages appears in Search.

Ensure each language's title is different to prevent publishing errors. For example, if you create three copies of a content in English and Indonesian, but only change the English titles for all three copies, you'll end up with three duplicate contents for Indonesian users. As a result, when trying to publish the content, the user will encounter an error stating, "Content title already exists, try a different title."


Content must be entered for each statement in every language translation of a procedure. In other words, each statement should have content in its specific language translation.

Variable values: single-use and reusable variables

Define variable values in each language, as the values defined in one language are not automatically defined in the other language. If variable names are different in translated text, before publishing, switch between languages used in the content and check for undefined variables.

Once you've created a variable, do not change it. Doing so will delete all values associated with that variable across all content and language tabs where it's used.

Understanding Variable Consistency in Translations

Sometimes, when translating a statement in different languages, the variables used in those translations might not be consistent, which can cause errors.

Imagine you have a statement translated in two languages: English and Spanish. In the English version, the statement might use the variable "[Name]", while in the Spanish version, it might use "[Nombre]". If you use this statement in your content but only provide a translation for the English version, the tool will still expect to find values for both "[Name]" and "[Nombre]". This can result in errors as your content doesn't provide both values.

SHARED TipCurrently, AcceleratorKMS accepts for a statement to have different variable names in different translations. To avoid errors, only use translated statements in content where each of the statement's translations are used.

In templates, reusable variables cannot be translated. This is important to remember when reusing statements in multilanguage procedures.

If you translate an existing reusable variable, it leads to the deletion of variable values in the content language tab. Essentially, you are creating a new variable. In a template, this action can result in the deletion of values across all content generated for the asset.

Reference links

Target values defined for one language are automatically applied to other languages.

Data collection/Scan codes

Data collection key values and scan code values must be defined in all available languages.

Dynamic table

Dynamic table elements must be defined in all available languages.