Creating and editing data collection statements - AcceleratorKMS - Version 5.0 - Help - Hexagon

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Before you begin

You must open the content in edit mode.


  1. On the content page, click Item.

    SHARED Tip A statement text box appears.

  2. Click Type list and select Data Collection.

  3. Click Role list and select a role.

  4. In the statement text box, enter the text for the statement.

  5. Create or reuse the data collection statement.

    SHARED Tip A warning message appears to indicate that the content has undefined data collection keys.

  6. Click Data Collection definition key not defined button or Data Collection keyboard icon to define the data collection key.

  7. Click Type and select from one of the following:

    • Text

    • Numeric

    • Date/time

    • Single select list

    • Multi select list

  8. Enter the key name.

    Consider the reporting requirements when naming the key. If it is not being reported, then a generic key name is fine, but if reporting is required, then use a more distinct key name. For example, "pressure" is generic and could be used anywhere, while "pressureP123Outlet" is specific to the pressure at the outlet of Pump P123.

    You can enter a maximum of 255 characters in the Key field.

  9. (Optional) Select an existing key from the database if it is relevant.

  10. If the statement type is a numeric data collection, follow these steps:

    1. (Optional) Enter the units.

    2. (Optional) Select the check box to enable the scan option for the statement.

    3. Click Create.

      Rules can be set on numeric data collection statements to alert users that their input does not meet the expected results. The rule alerts users but does not force them to change the input.

    4. (Optional) Click Rule to add a numeric range on this data collection statement.

    5. Enter the values for minimum, maximum, or both.

    6. Click OK.

  11. Add values as required.

    For Single and Multi select lists,

    • If a key is reused, any edits to the list values must be done on the Data Key page.

    • The list values can be entered in all available languages. Apart from English, if another language is selected, a pop-up window of English language translation appears for guidance.

    • If list values are being defined in multiple languages, the number of list values must be the same in each language.

    Text and Numeric data collection statements can be configured to scan text and numeric inputs.

  12. Click Create.