Create a high-level, visual workflow with statements, decisions, and content.
Before you begin
The flow type must already exist. See your Administrator if flow type does not exist.
About this task
Flows provide a visual high-level representation of content pieces intended to be used in the specified sequence. Training plans or unit-level processes are good candidates for using flows.
For example, a plant may have hundreds of different pumps and other machinery that need to be started up/shut down in a particular order. Rather than building a parent document with hundreds of sub-documents, you can instead build a flow to provide a visual lay out showing the progression of how all the multiple elements need to be managed. You can show activities that are in parallel or sequential order and the progression can be monitored.
On the AcceleratorKMS menu, navigate to Manage and click Create > Flow.
<Flow> options are determined by your administrator but can include items such as process and turnaround. -
Complete the flow fields.
Flow fields
Name of document used for searches, assignments, and reporting.
Provide a few details describing the content.
Both the title and description fields are used when performing a document search.
Content type
Identifies the type of content you are building. For example, flow. Select from the list if there is more than one.
The name of a hierarchical tree structure containing documents and flows. Select required domain from the list to identify where the document is to be located within the Domain. This field cannot be left blank.
Defines who has access to content. To add role, click List all to see all roles in AcceleratorKMS. This field cannot be left blank.
There are two icons associated with role access:
Role has access to this content (default) - Anyone who has a role within the domain can view the content.
Role has access and is associated with workflows and reporting - Provides access to content and also impacts Reports and Workflows.
Role access also impacts:
Reports - Reports are generated based on your role and domain access to content.
Workflows - Task definitions use roles to define the users to be included in the pool of resources when tasks are assigned within Workflows.
Dashboard - Widgets appear on your dashboard when the Administrator defines those widgets to include your role. The reported content in the widgets is based on your access or associated access to the content.
Content Completions - A role is defined within a completable step, which then determines who can perform the completion for that content.
Users with associated roles do not need to perform steps or complete content but could be users who must be aware of the content and the steps involved, such as supervisors and training personnel. For example, content is performed by field technicians and console technicians, but the field supervisor should be added as an associated role to ensure awareness of the content. Be sure to include roles involved in performing tasks related to the content, such as reviewing or approving changes.
Initial request
Use Initial request to link the document to a content request, if one exists. If the document is not linked, this field does not display.
To add a link, begin typing the content title used in the request form. Selecting Hide closed displays only the open requests for selection.
Related assets
Use related assets to create bi-directional links between one or more assets that are related to the document. Adding these links help to assess the impact of changes made to content and statements. When you add related assets to this field, a link gets added from the asset back to this document.
To add related assets, begin typing in this field and select assets from the drop-down list.
Other information relevant to the document.
Files or pictures relevant to the document. The file size limit per attachment in AcceleratorKMS is 100 MB. Various file formats are supported. We recommend that you reach out to your administrator for the full list, as it is configurable.
To maintain site speed, it's advisable to attach files under 20 MB, since AcceleratorKMS does not automatically compress images upon upload.
Style set
List of available custom style sets that may be used for the document.
Custom styles are visible in only view or completion modes. They are not visible in edit mode.
Scroll down to the Start icon until the drag and drop insert panel displays on the left side of the page.
To build your flow, drag-and-drop the following elements from the +Insert panel to your canvas:
Statement - Create or reuse statements
Branch statement - Create or reuse branch statements
Document - Add an existing document
Flow - Add an existing flow
Until connectors are added between the elements, a message displays to indicate that the step cannot be reached. An element can be removed by clicking the 'x' in the upper-right corner of the element.
At least one procedural statement must exist in a flow. Only users with a role assigned to an included procedural statement can start a flow.
Select the connector arrow on each element and drag the connector lines to the statement, document, and flow elements to identify the path of your flow.
Click Save when you have completed the flow.
The flow is saved and can be completed after it is published.