New destination for Help content and Foundations training - AcceleratorKMS - Version 4.0 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

AcceleratorKMS Release Notes

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Release Notes/Bulletin
AcceleratorKMS Version

When you select the Help icon, you're now directed to the Hexagon documentation site, where you have access to the following options:

  • Specific releases of AcceleratorKMS—You're brought directly to the release that pertains to you, but you can filter on different releases.

  • Hexagon University for eLearning—Our AcceleratorKMS Foundations training has moved to Hexagon University. You must register in Hexagon University before you can access our learning resources.

  • AcceleratorLXP Help documentation—With the introduction of the new AcceleratorKMS module, AcceleratorLXP, we've created some Help content to guide you through the process of creating qualification pathways for learners.