Installing SOLR™ - AcceleratorKMS - Version 3.12 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

AcceleratorKMS Installation and Configuration

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Installation & Upgrade
AcceleratorKMS Version

If you are installing SOLR on a separate application server, then:

  • Ensure the time zone matches your other application server(s) in your environment.

  • Replace the localhost URL with the IP address of your application server.


  1. Run the following to install the amazon JDK:


    We have used this version as it is included a free Java runtime environment. This will also add a couple of environment variables for the Java Runtime Environment.

  2. Create the folder SOLR on C:\ , then copy the content from Solr-8.11.1 , and paste it to C:\SOLR.

  3. Open an administrator command prompt and navigate to C:\SOLR\bin.

Start SOLR

  1. From the command prompt run SOLR start.

  2. Wait for the Startup to finish.

  3. Once started, you can verify if SOLR is installed properly by opening a browser window and navigating to http://localhost:8983/solr.

Change the JVM Memory from 512 MB to 2 GB

We recommend the following additional memory for installing SOLR:

  • For a small statement table (less than 200,000 statements), use the 512 MB to 2 GB of memory.

  • For a medium statement table (between 200,000 and 500,000 statements), use the 512 MB to 6 GB of memory.

  • For a large statement table, use 512 MB to at least 10 GB of memory

  1. Open C:\SOLR\bin , and then edit the file

  2. Replace the line

    REM set SOLR_JAVA_MEM=-Xms512m -Xmx512m


    set SOLR_JAVA_MEM=-Xms2g -Xmx2g

  3. Open an administrator command prompt and navigate to C:\SOLR\bin.

  4. Run SOLR stop -all , and then run SOLR start.

  5. Open a browser window, refresh the page, and check if the JVM Memory was updated.

    Once you have verified that the service is running, you will have to create two cores within SOLR.

  6. Open an administrator command prompt and navigate to C:\SOLR\bin.

  7. Run solr create -c Akms_Content.

    Example: Names of the two cores created in the above steps are Akms_Content and Akms_Statements.

    • If you refresh http://localhost:8983 you should now see the two cores in place.

    • SOLR Statement and Content Server details are required during the deployment and the URLs are as follows: 

      • Statement Server URL: http://localhost:8983/solr/Akms_Statements

      • Content Server URL: http://localhost:8983/solr/Akms_Content

    • If you have installed SOLR on a separate application server replace the localhost URL with the IP address of your application server. 

    • In the file, you will find configuration files for each of the following index:

      • Akms_Content

      • Akms_Statements

  8. Merge the files from Akms_Content into C:\SOLR\server\solr\Akms_Content and Akms_Statements into C:\SOLR\server\solr\Akms_Statements.

    This will overwrite the configurations of core within SOLR that were created above.

    Please make sure that the case remains consistent when creating the cores and adding them during the deployment when asked for the Statement and Content index locations.