Organic reviews help extend the expiry date of content when you complete or acknowledge it. But there's a time limit for this to happen. The organic review period occurs only before the content's expiration and ensures that changing the expiry date will always result in an extension.
For example, let's say:
Your content's expiry date is September 1, 2022.
The organic review period is 6 months. (March 1st, 2022 - September 1st, 2022)
Now, if you complete the content within the organic review period, that is:
If you complete it on June 1, 2022, we calculate the new expiry date as December 1, 2022. That's 6 months from June.
But if you complete it on February 28, 2022, the expiry date stays the same. This is because the calculated expiry date (which would be 6 months from February) is earlier than the current expiry date of September 1, 2022. So, we keep the current expiry date.
Here's another example:
If you complete the content on August 26, 2022, the new expiry date becomes February 26, 2023. That's 6 months from August, and it's later than the current expiry date of September 1, 2022. So, we update the expiry date to February 26, 2023.
Thus, completing or acknowledging content within the organic review period helps extend its expiry date, but only if the calculated expiry date is later than the current one.
When parent content is completed or acknowledged, the expiry date of its subcontent
will also be extended, provided organic review is enabled for both.