About this task
Search all content that is available within your domain(s). Use the various filtering options, such as part of content title or description, domain, and properties to narrow the results, and then if needed, export the results to Microsoft Excel®.
Filtering options include:
Part of content title or description
Filter icon options include:
Organic review
The filters available in the filter icon are based on your role operations. For example,
you will only see the expiry status option if you have access to expired content. The system displays search results for content documents and flows based on your domain
access and roles.
As an alternative to the All content search, you can view content by domain by using the Index. The index groups
content in a hierarchical fashion based on the domain to which it is defined. See
Searching content using the Index.
When a keyword is provided, the All content search prioritizes the order of results
as follows:
Match weight, which allots points according to
where the keyword is used, for example, start, mid, or end of a paragraph
how often the keyword is used
where the keyword exists, for example, more points are allotted when the keyword is in the title than when the keyword is in the description
Content GUID
Content title
When no keyword is provided, the order is by a unique identifier.
On the menu, navigate to Search and click All content.
Without using any available filtering options, clicking Search provides a list of all content to which you have access.
If you want to search using a keyword from title or description, follow these steps:
In the search field, enter a keyword used in the content's title or description.
Click Search.
If you want to perform a search by domain or other properties, follow these steps:
In the Properties column, click Set filter under the Domain header.
The system displays a list of domains according to your access. If you entered text in the Search field, you can see how many documents contain that text within each domain listed. Counts include content within any subdomains that may exist.
Select a domain from the list or start typing a domain name and then select from the shortened list.
For all other property filters, select one or more properties to further refine your search results. If you entered text in the Search field, you can see how many documents contain that text within each property listed.
If using AcceleratorKMS on a mobile device, properties or domains can be viewed and selected from the vertical ellipsis. The corresponding results appear below the properties. You can click the vertical ellipsis to hide the properties or domains, so your search results appear towards the top.
If you want to sort results, click
and choose one of the following options: Content title, Domain, Modified date, Status, Expiration date, Relevancy (default). You can also choose to display results in ascending (default) or descending order.
If you want to search by other filters, follow these steps:
Click the filter icon to show more filtering options.
Select from the following options:
Filter options
All, Archived, Draft, Published, Partially Published, Expired.
When no filter option is selected, the system returns results for any status except Archived. To see everything, including Archived, select the All option.
Asset, Coupled, Decoupled, Standard, or Non templated.
All, Custom, In the past 30 days, In the past 7 days, Modified today.
If you select Custom, you are prompted to enter the date range using the provided calendar.
Organic review
Enabled, Disabled
When this filter is set, only published, partially published, or expired content statuses will appear in the search results.
All, Custom, Within 60 days, Within 90 days.
This option only appears if Published is selected from the Status category.
None, For workflows
If not set, then all content is returned, if None is selected then only content without restrictions is returned, and if For workflows is selected then only content restricted for workflow completions is returned.
Content with Restrict to workflows enabled for ‘Completions’ will not sync to the mobile app. As a result, you cannot start or complete any related workflows using the mobile app.
Click Search at the bottom of the filter options menu.
Your selected filters appear just below the search content title and description field. You can click a filter to remove it from your search results. Results are returned based on your selections. Content is grouped by content type.
(Optional) Click Export to Excel to export your search results.
Search results are exported for selected content type. Selecting " All " exports search results for all content types.
A sorting order applied on the All content search page does not carry over to the exported Excel file.
The search results appear in the Search window and are grouped by content type. Click a content type to see the results or All to see all results. You can start or manage completions from the search results. Click the Start new (+) icon to start a new completion or the Manage all icon to manage an existing completion. For more information about completions, see AcceleratorKMS Content Completion.