Find an account so you can review or modify it.
Before you begin
The user account must already exist.
About this task
If your organization has a large number of users, you can use the Search function on the Users page to quickly locate a specific user account.
If the Domain field is used to search for all users within a particular domain, the results show all users at the highest domain level. However, if a specific domain and role are used in a search, the results show only the users with that role and domain, and not all users with that role at the highest domain level.
For example, Liam has roles in the following domains:
Company Z - Operator role
Company Z > Site A - Writer role
Liam is not assigned domain "Company Z > Site B".
Scenario 1: If Company Z is entered in the Domain field, the results include Liam and all users in the Company Z domain and its descendant domains.
Scenario 2: If Company Z > Site A is entered in the Domain field, the results include Liam and all users at the highest domain level and its descendants. If Company Z > Site B is entered in the Domain field, the results still include Liam because Liam is in the Company Z domain and therefore included in the results for Company Z > Site B.
Scenario 3: If Company Z is entered in the Domain field and Operator is entered in the role field, the results include Liam and also include all users with the Operator role in Company Z domain and its descendants.
Scenario 4: If Company Z > Site A is entered in the Domain field and Writer is entered in the role field, the results include Liam and all users with the Writer role in Company Z > Site A.
Scenario 5: If Company Z > Site A is entered in the Domain field and Operator is entered in the role field, the results do not include Liam because Liam only has the Operator role at the Company Z domain level and not at the Site A level.
On the menu bar, click the gear icon > Users.
The system displays the Users page.
In the Name field, type a name.
Select additional search criteria from the following filter options:
Filter options
Start typing domain and select from list.
Specify email address.
Specify All, locked, or unlocked. Default is All.
Specify username.
Specify All, active, or disabled. Default is Active.
Specify a role. Default is All.
Click Search.
The page refreshes and lists user accounts filtered by the search criteria.
You can export user account details to Microsoft Excel® by clicking Export to Excel.