Check for errors in the model - CAESAR II - Installation & Upgrade

CAESAR II Quick Reference

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Installation & Upgrade

When you are finished modeling, you must run File > Error Check before you can run an analysis.

The two main functions of this error check are to verify your input data by checking each individual piping element for consistency and to build the execution data files used by the analysis and review processes.

Errors that will prevent the analysis from running (such as a corrosion allowance greater than the wall thickness) are flagged as fatal errors and display in red text. Unusual items (such as a change of direction without a bend or intersection) are flagged as warnings and display in green text. Other informational messages that may show intermediate calculations or general notes display in blue text. All messages display in the Errors and Warnings tab next to the model graphics.

When you double-click an error or warning message, CAESAR II displays the spreadsheet of the associated element and highlights the element in the graphic display. You can sort error messages by clicking the column titles. Use File > Print to print the entire error report or selected sections. Use the options arrow on the Error Check icon to display only fatal errors or all errors.

If there is a fatal error, you must return to the input module to make corrections. Click the Classic Piping Input tab or double-click the row number for the error message.

If the error check process completes without fatal errors, a center of gravity report displays, the analysis data files are generated, and the solution phase can commence. If fatal errors do exist, the analysis data files are not generated, and the solution phase cannot begin. You must make corrections and rerun the Error Checker until successful before analysis is permitted.