Overview - HxGN EAM - Feature Briefs

HxGN EAM Auto-Generating PM Schedule and Maintenance Pattern WOs

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Most EAM users are familiar with the traditional method of generating or creating work orders based on PM schedules or Maintenance Patterns using the Generate WOs screen.

However, if for example, a user generally enters the same parameter values including the number of days in the future they want to create these work orders through, every time they use the Generate WOs screen; it would be useful to be able to schedule these tasks with saved parameter values so they can run automatically on a pre-scheduled basis.

The system will use Grid Designer (formerly, User Defined Grids) and Alert Management (formerly, Alerts) to generate or create PM Schedule and Maintenance Pattern work orders automatically.

Four new UDGs and four new Alerts are being delivered in the system for this purpose. Each Alert will use its associated UDG to query the records necessary for processing, then process them to generate or create work orders. Each Alert will process one of the following types:

  • Fixed/Variable PM Schedules

  • Duplicate PM Schedules

  • Maintenance Patterns (MPs)

  • Duplicate Maintenance Patterns

Each of the four types above can therefore have its own set of generate parameter values and execution schedule.

The Auto-Generated WO Sessions screen allows a user to view the results of the alerts that are running in the background to generate or create work orders. When one of these alerts runs, a session is created. Although the released work orders are available in the system, they are associated to the session so results can be viewed using this new screen.


  • This functionality only applies to frequency based PMs and MPs. It does NOT apply to meter based.

  • If the PPMSTAT install parameter is set to ‘R’ (Released), the new alerts will NOT successfully create non-duplicate PM or non-duplicate MP work orders because they are always created in the released status.