Upgrade the document to tag relationships created by Data Capture - HxGN SDx - Update 60 - Installation & Upgrade

HxGN SDx Upgrade

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Installation & Upgrade
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

  • You need to perform this procedure if you are upgrading from a version of SDx earlier than Update 41.

  • If you want to use the Data Capture Managed Data Task to export the data to FDW using the Data Validator, we recommend you verify and update your import mappings with a copy of the latest MSR version.

After upgrading, you must complete the following steps to set the property Is Data Capture Rel to True on the following document to tag relationships SPFNDocRevMasterTag, SPFNDocRevAliasTag, FDWDocRevTag and SPFNFDWDocRevChildTag for Data Capture tags.

  1. Log on to the Desktop Client as a user with DataCaptureAdministrator role.

  2. Click Administration > Upgrade Data Capture Tag Doc Rels.